© ñuaccents2014
Teatro Interactivo en Inglés Ñu Accents Interactive Theatre in English
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   Más de 95.000 niñas y niños en la Comunidad de Madrid han aprendido inglés con Ñu.
Teatro interactivo en inglés para niños en colegios y escuelas infantiles
/Interactive theatre in English for kids in schools and kindergartens
Pyjama Party
The actors are wearing pyjamas. Why? They are going to have a pyjama party. They give the kids magic (invisible) pyjamas to wear. Everyone puts on their pyjamas. Everyone sings the pyjama party song. The actors have a pillow fight. They try to go to sleep. They have to count sheep. When they are asleep they have dreams. They dream of the sea. They see things in the sea: a fish, an octopus, some bubbles. The kids become the things in the sea. Dress the kids up. They dream of the sky. They see things in the sky: a plane, a balloon, a bird. The kids become the things in the sky. Dress the kids up. The actors wake up. They have been dreaming. Now they have to go to school. They say goodbye.