© ñuaccents2014
Teatro Interactivo en Inglés Ñu Accents Interactive Theatre in English
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   Más de 95.000 niñas y niños en la Comunidad de Madrid han aprendido inglés con Ñu.
Teatro interactivo en inglés para niños en colegios y escuelas infantiles
/Interactive theatre in English for kids in schools and kindergartens
Two ghosts tell the following story: Kate and Graham are driving a car on a very wet and horrible night.    Then Kate and Graham have to go to sleep. Graham cannot sleep and sees a vampire. He wakes up Kate. They run away from the vampire. The vampire chases them. How can they kill the vampire? Don't worry, the story has a happy ending... or does it?...  ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Aggghhhhhh!
They get lost and come to a house. In the house is a horrible man who takes them to a room. In the room they meet the owners of the house who tell them their personal tragedy.
Look, Graham! There’s a house on the hill.
We can stay there the night.
Ha ha ha!