always funny!
© ñuaccents2014
Teatro Interactivo en Inglés Ñu Accents Interactive Theatre in English
   Más de 95.000 niñas y niños en la Comunidad de Madrid han aprendido inglés con Ñu.

2nd Cycle

For years 3 and 4
Teatro interactivo en inglés para niños en colegios y escuelas infantiles
/Interactive theatre in English for kids in schools and kindergartens
Inicio Spanish Acerca de/About English Contact Press/Critics
Whacky World
Alice in Wonderland
Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel are hungry, their parents are crazy: but they will have to meet something far more dangerous - the Wicked Witch! (Find out more)
Join Captain Flip and Silly Sailor on our crazy trip around the world. We go to Africa, Asia and Australia, but what’s the best way to travel there? (FIND OUT MORE)
Our crazy version of this amazing story. Follow our white rabbit down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. Or could that rabbit be one of you? (Find out more)